Pond bat Myotis dasycneme

The pond bat is a rare, medium-sized bat that bears a strong resemblance to the smaller Daubenton's bat (Myotis daubentonii) and, like the latter, has conspicuously large feet with long bristles.

habitat descriptionWooded areas with large lakes and rivers, e.g. northern German lowlands. But also hibernates in the mountains.
quarters Maternity roosts (approx. 50 - 300 animals) in attics of churches and barns, as well as tree hollows. Migrates partly in autumn up to 300 km to mountain ranges, where they hibernate in caves and tunnels before flying back in March.
reproductionAbout first half of June birth of young, which are ready to fly after about 30 days. Mating somewhat August to September. Young become sexually mature in 2nd year of life.
size - Head-torso length: 52-65 mm
- Forearm length: 43-49 mm
- Wingspan: 240-300 mm
weight 14–20 g
color/furdense, relatively long on the back. Upper side grayish with silky sheen. Underside whitish to yellowish gray. All hairs bicolored with black base.
nose shapetypical "tube-like" nostrils
ear shape- Outer edge of ears without indentation.
- Tragus short
- Narrows only slightly upwards with slight inward bend
wing shapeLong, broad. Arm flight skin attaches to heel. Tip of tail extends slightly above caudal flight skin. Underside of tail flight skin along lower leg slightly hairy.
flight Brisk, agile. Cover long distances (up to 10 km) to hunting grounds to which they fly along ditches over fixed routes. Hunt over ponds and lakes, over meadows and fields, in parks.
ultrasonic callsNearly linear frequency modulation with start frequencies of 65-85 kHz and end frequencies at 25-35 kHz. Main frequency at 36-41 kHz. Dry, often irregular calls. In between, single, low-frequency calls (main frequency at 36-41 kHz) and considered a reliable identification feature.
endangerment Probable decline in population density.
IUCN (2016): Near Threatened
Red List of Germany (2020): Endangerment of unknown extent